What is happening on Sustainable Transport at the Africa Climate Summit & Africa Climate Week 2023?

The upcoming Africa Climate Summit 2023 is set to be a decisive gathering that will take place from the 4th to the 6th of September in Nairobi, Kenya. This event will bring together leaders from diverse backgrounds, including representatives from governments, businesses, international organizations, and dedicated members of civil society, to underline the importance of a singular message: the urgent need to advance green growth and climate finance solutions for Africa and the global community.

Are you planning to join the Africa Climate Summit? Meet our team there on Sept. 4th!

GIZ will be co-hosting the side event “Co-Investing in Leapfrogging to Sustainable Transport, including E-Mobility” together with the Kenyan Ministry of Roads and Transport, UNDP, and Agora Verkehrswende. This joint event aims to serve as a catalyst for a much-needed dialogue that seeks to engage African leaders and influential changemakers on financial mechanisms and opportunities for advancing sustainable transport in Africa.

Date: 4 September 2023

Time: 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM (East African Time)

Location: Kenya House, Africa Climate Summit, Nairobi

Other Sustainable Transport Events at the Summit

Below, we present an overview of the various events scheduled as part of the African Climate Summit 2023 related to the theme of sustainable transportation.

EventInformations (all times in EAT)
E-mobility Parade

Organizer: Electric Mobility Association of Kenya

More information here
Date: 3 September 2023
Time: 8:00am -12:00pm
Venue: City Hall – KICC – Langata rd – Nairobi National Park gate – Langata Link road – Ngong rd – Green Park terminus

Climate and Mobility *
Date: 4 September 2023
Time: 11:30 -12:30 PM
Venue: SE 1
Electric Mobility Industry Roundtable (Emobility 1)

Organizer: Africa E-Mobility Alliance
Date: 4 September 2023
Time: 12:30 -2:30 PM
Venue: SE 3 (132)
Co-investing in Leapfrogging to Sustainable Transport including E-Mobility (Emobility 2)

Organizer: Kenyan Ministry of Roads and Transport, GIZ, UNDP, Agora Verkehrswende, Siemens Stiftung

More information here
Date: 4 September
Time 2:00 – 3:00 PM
Venue: Kenya House
Integrated Liveable African Cities
Panel 2: Financing and Investing in Green Transport

Organizer: ITDP
Date: 4 September 2023
Time: 3: 45- 5:15 PM
Ministerial Sesion: Investing in Green Transport in Africa (Parallel 5c)

Organizer: ITDP

More information here
Date: 4 September 2023
Time: 4:30-  6:00 PM
Venue: Lenana Room, KICC
Leaders Breakfast: Green Infrastructure Investment for Corridor Development in Africa

Organizer: AUDA-NEPAD
Date: 5 September 2023
Time: 7. 00- 8: 00 AM
Venue: SE 1
Accelerating Decarbonization in African Logistics: The role of the provate sector in collaboration

Organizer: Smart Freight Center
Date: 5 September 2023
Time: 8:00- 9:00 AM
Venue: SE 2
Ensuring universal access to mobility as African countries embrace E-Mobility

Organizer: Movin´On
Date: 5 September 2023
Time: 12:00- 1:00 PM
Venue: SE 4
Financing Climate resilient infrastructure and Green Transition in Africa: PIDA

Organizer: AUDA-NEPAD
Date: 5 September 2023
Time: 14:00-15:00 PM
Venue: AU Pavilion
Designing and enabling environment for Green Transport in Africa (E-Mobility 3 & 4)

Organizer: Africa E-Mobility Alliance
Date: 6 September 2023
Time: 8:00- 10:00 AM
Venue: SE 4 (132)
Accelerating Emobility:  Empowering Sustainable Urban Transportation in Kenya with smart Bicycle Infrastructure

Organizer: Bike is best Kenya Entreprise
Date: 6 September 2023
Time: 11:00- 11-30 AM
Venue: SE 5
Your transport related event is not mentioned? Send an e-mail to rethinking.transport@giz.de and we will add it to the list! (* at the time of publication, no additional information was available)

Some of the events at the summit will be available via the livestream here! You will find more information on the Africa Climate Summit website.

More sustainable transport events – The Africa Climate Week

This years Africa Climate Week is organized in parallel to the Africa Climate Summit. Taking place from 4-8 September 2023 in Nairobi, the Regional Climate Week for the African continent presents a rich prpgramme. Sustainable transport is very well represented with events about railway development, freight, e-mobility, informal transport and more.

EventInformations (all times in EAT)
Electric railway development in Africa – an opportunity for climate financeDate: 4 September
Time 12:30 – 13:00 PM
Venue: Climate Activation
Green Rail Corridors: the role of railways in protecting and enhancing biodiversity in Africa

Organizer: UIC, KRC, TRC, SETRAG
Date: 5 September 2023
Time: 13:15-13:45 PM
Venue: Climate Activation

Driving Electric Mobility in Africa: Lessons Learned and Future Challenges

Organizer: Mazi Mobility, Electric Mobility Association of Kenya
Date: 6 September 2023
Time: 17:00-17:30 PM
Venue: Climate Activation

Connecting Informal Transport to the Climate Agenda

Organizer: WRI, SLOCAT, GNPT, TUMI, Climate Champions Team
Date: 7 September 2023
Time: 10:30 – 11:30 AM
Venue: Amphi Caucus 2

Mobilizing climate finance through innovative business and financing models for e-mobility shift in Ghana

Organizer: UNEP, Government of Ghana
Date: 7 September 2023
Time: 10:30 – 11:30 AM
Venue: Atlas Mountain

Transforming Mobility in Africa: Collective transport as the Climate solution

Date: 7 September 2023
Time: 12:00 – 13:00 AM
Venue: Atlas Mountain

Enabling innovative solutions for clean mobility in African cities

Organizer: Uber, Uber Utopia
Date: 7 September 2023
Time: 14:45 – 15:15 PM
Venue: Climate Activation

Decoupling growing freight transport from CO2 emissions – a regional perspective

Organizer: Kühne Foundation, CCTTFA, NCTTCA, Trade Mark Africa, UNEP, GIZ
Date: 8 September 2023
Time: 10:30 – 11:30 AM
Venue: Mount Nimba

Sustainable Green Transport Initiatives in Africa

Organizer: African Development Bank
Date: 8 September 2023
Time: 12:00 – 13:00 AM
Venue: Atlas Mountain

Achieving a decarbonized and resilient infrastructure system in Africa: the role of transport

Date: 8 September 2023
Time: 13:30 – 15:00 PM
Venue: Aberdares Hall

Your transport related event is not mentioned? Send an e-mail to rethinking.transport@giz.de and we will add it to the list!

If you are interested in learning more about sustainable transport in Africa, have a look at our latest publication “Leapfrogging into Sustainable Transport in Africa. Twelve Insights into the Continent’s Sector Transformation” and check out the activities planned for the Rethinking Transport project.

©Roam, Source: www.roam-electric.com/press
10 Principles for Sustainable Urban Transport