28 August 2019

Webinar: Transport NDC – Building Efficiency and Competitive Transport

Webinar about the framework of NDC Peru, vehicle scrapping and ecodriving

On August 28th, the GIZ Office in Peru will hold the Webinar: Transport NDC – Building Efficiency and Competitive Transport. The main objective of the webinar is to share the progress achieved regarding two Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) in the Transport sector within the framework of Peru’s environmental commitments. Moreover, the webinar will present the progress in the National Scrapping Programme and the National Ecodriving Programme. As well, the event aims to share and know about the experience within the region regarding these two policies.

Take part in the webinar via this link: NDC en Transportes – Construyendo un transporte eficiente y competitivo en Perú

Representatives from the Ministry of Environment (MINAM), the Ministry of Transport and Communication (MTC) and a especial guest from the International Council on Clean Transportation (ICCT) will participate in the webinar to share and discuss the following steps and ideal progress for the implementation of the two programmes.

The webinar is aimed at the international transport programmes from the GIZ, the Public sector (Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Transport and Communications and Ministry of Economy and Finance), the private sector, civil society organisations (Peruvian Automobile Association – AAP, National Association of Land Freight Transportation – ANATEC, National Union of Carriers of Peru – UNT), NGOs, the Academia, and the general audience interested in the topic of transport.

Further information below:

Date: Wednesday, August 28th of 2019

Time: 10am to 11am (Peruvian Time), 5pm CEST

Language of the webinar: Spanish


10:00 – 10:05


Introduction to the NDCs Peru and mitigation goals by 2030

MINAM Representative

10:00 – 10:15


Development context of the NDCs within the  transport sector

General Directorate for Environmental Affairs (DGAAM)/MTC Representative

10:15 – 10:25


National Scrapping Programme: Objectives and progress

Directorate for Policies and Road Transport Standards (DPRTM)/MTC Representative

10:25 – 10:35 Round of questions from the audience
10:35 – 10:45


National Ecodriving Programme: Objectives and preliminary results of the Pilot Programme

Jorge Espinoza – DPRTM/MTC

10:45 – 11:00


Ecodriving: Experiences and development in the region

Leticia Pineda – International Council on Clean Transportation

11:00 Closing, conclusions and recommendations


Facilitators: Helliot Lévano y Noelia Espinoza (GIZ)


Ronja Kwasniok