We Don’t Need a Revolution – We Need Collaboration!

Berlin becomes global transport cooperation hub during Transport Week 2018

200 transport experts from 20 countries, highlighted the importance and need to change transport to limit global warming. The second Transport and Climate Change Week fostered knowledge exchange and high-level contacts between transport and environment ministries, transport institutions or city officials mainly from delevoping and emerging countries. All agreed: Transport is key to limit global warming! To change transport towards climate-friendly solutions and raising the ambition level to do so, the 200 transport colleagues met in Berlin, to discuss ways on how to achieve a paradigm shift in transport around the world and to take global action.  This year’s focus topics were digital mobility, new business models and innovative planning.

The current situation is both a challenge and an opportunity!

Dr. Anita Breyer, Head of Directorate IG I of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU)

Opening the Climate Action in Mobility Conference in line with the Transport Week Dr. Beyer went on saying: “There is no “if” – we need a global mobility transition, a “Verkehrswende” […], in order to be able to sustain our planet, our basis of life.”.

Therefore, intention of the Transport and Climate Change Week was capacity development and dialogue among transport decision makers from all over the world. The event closely cooperated with German and international partners from politics, business, think tanks and academia, such as the MobiliseYourCity Partnership and the Wuppertal Institute.

The five-day event with workshops, a high-level conference and a field trip in Berlin, was organized by GIZ’s IKI financed project TRANSfer on behalf of the BMU.

More information on www.transportweek.org. Presentations held during the Conference will soon be made available for download here.


Sophia Sünder, Eschborn

10 Principles for Sustainable Urban Transport