Tutorial: How to use the Data Collection Template for Kenya


The tutorial provides basic information on how to use the document, including how to navigate through the document and some key features when working through the document. It also provides a guidance for users on how to calculate GHG inventories and how to select the appropriate methodology.

Have a look at the tutorial on using the data collection template for climate change reporting at the bottom of this page.


This data collection template was developed to support transport officials in Kenya in amalgamating inputs to the greenhouse gas inventory, as well as data on progress in the implementation of mitigation actions from transport sub-sectors to support national (Climate Change Act) and international (UNFCCC) climate change reporting. It allows for collation, quality control and data logging.

While developed specifically for Kenyan counterparts, the templates are open and can be easily applied and/or adapted for use in other countries.

The data collection template offers the possibility to input top-down as well as bottom-up data. For top-down data, two main types of activity data have to be inputted: Activity data (fuel consumption) and sub-sector proportion. The numbers calculated for net fuel consumption can be inputted straight into the IPCC Inventory Software.


The template was developed by Ricardo Energy & Environment  and can be downloaded here.



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