12 March 1920

Truck Driver Professional Qualification Schemes and Paths to Reform

Promoting eco-driving can be done in the context of wider national reforms for the capacity development of professional drivers. This guidebook by the World Bank and the International Road Transport Union (IRU) focuses on the regulatory perspective of truck driver qualification. It perceives the driver as a “key actor within the road transport sector, and a key contributor to the commercial, financial and economic results of a transport company. Being a professional driver involves a combination of various skills revealing the need for an appropriate legal framework to be developed to organise the conditions under which he will be able to operate. Therefore, the reform of the sector has to address a wide array of important issues such as initial, vocational, on-the-job, periodic and specialised training.” The guide shows multiple ways to upgrade the professional qualification of truck drivers.

In addition to drivers, the guide provides comprehensive guidance for further dimensions of road freight transport services reform, mainly: market structure, the operator, the vehicle and the externalities of road freight transport.

Name of the Document: Road Freight Transport Services Reform
Organizations: The World Bank, World’s Road Transport Organisation (IRU)
169 pages

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