Iowane Tiko

Position: Finance Manager
Location: Republic of the Marshall Islands, Majuro

Born and raised in the outer islands of Fiji, sailing and fishing were two main hobbies that filled up my upbringing. In my role as the Manager of Finance and Administration in the Transition to Low Carbon Sea Transport project in the Republic of Marshall Islands, I consider it an honor to participate in such a sustainable project that not only ensures the decarbonization of sea transportation, but also gives a sense of fulfilment whilst in service. Transitioning to Low Carbon Sea Transport is a pilot program for the entire Pacific region where sea transportation is essential. To be part pf the team that is developing, constructing and assessing low emission sea transport options or both shipping within Atolls as well as open ocean shipping together with maritime policy advice for the RMI government the major components of the 6-year program is an honor. These are the ancient ways of navigations and travel that we are going back to, carbon free, fossil free, freedom of mobility by harnessing the power of wind. I do hope that this project becomes benchmark for all other similar projects withing the pacific and the world.

10 Principles for Sustainable Urban Transport