Andrés Rojo

Position: Transport Advisor
Location: Mexico, Mexico City

I am an advisor for the Yucatan state for the Transition to an Integrated and Intelligent Public Transport System project in Mexico (TranSIT), implemented by the German Development Cooperation (GIZ) in Mexico.

Since 2014, I have been working on international cooperation projects with a focus on strengthening climate action in cities, both to reduce carbon footprint and increase urban resilience in topics such as sustainable mobility, urban development, ecosystem services, and the urban water cycle. Additionally, I have worked on a project with a focus on improving the efficient use of materials in industry.

During 2021 and 2022, I also advised the Strategic Alliances for the Implementation of the Paris Agreement program, which aimed to strengthen dialogue between Mexico and the European Union on the fulfilment of Nationally Determined Contributions. I am an industrial engineer with a Master’s degree in integrated water management.


10 Principles for Sustainable Urban Transport