Andrea Palma

Position: Technical Advisor
Location: Chile, Santiago

I am an Architect from the Universidad de Valparaíso and hold a Master’s degree in International Relations from the Richmond International University of London. I worked twelve years in Chile in the public sector, at the Municipality of Coquimbo on public infrastructure design, at the Ministry of Education for the implementation of public policies and at the Ministry of Construction as Project Manager of an urban regenaration project. My international experiences comprises an urban development project in Kunming, China and project management in London.

I started working for the GIZ in 2016 as national advisor for the global project Cities Fit for Climate Change and I am currently working as technical advisor for the EUROCLIMA+ Urban Mobility Component supporting the development of a National Urban Mobility Programme (NUMP) in Chile and a National E-mobility Strategy in Uruguay.

10 Principles for Sustainable Urban Transport