14 May 2021

Supporting the NDC Update in Colombia: an Opportunity to Review Data

Means of implementation will allow carrying out actions and measures

In September 2019, Colombia started its process of updating the NDC to the UNFCCC. The update is taken as an opportunity to review and update data and information, including mitigation scenarios, assessing sub-sectors and opportunities for accelerating measures. It is considered a new emissions baseline, as well as the emission trajectories resulting from the implementation of different mitigation measures that are already being developed, or new ones that are expected to be developed.

In an innovative format of cooperation, the association of the projects TraCS and EUROCLIMA+ is contributing to support the NDC process in Colombia. By providing expert support the NDC it will be made a methodological revision of its measures; the management of the process will be documented to facilitate the transport sector involvement and the level of ambition for the transport sector will be revised.

The level of ambition of the NDC 2020 is to be analysed by using different approaches:

  • comparison of mitigation potentials for transportation in NDC 2015 and NDC 2020.
  • Estimation of emissions covered by mitigation measures taking into account the IPCC classification for sources of emissions in transport.
  • Classification of the measures according to the Avoid, Shift, Improve approach and estimation of the potential by type of intervention.
  • Description of compatibility with long-term scenarios. This point is being developed, taking into account the results of studies for Colombia on decarbonization scenarios and the role of transport in achieving these goals.
  • Comparison of the goal of Colombia and types of measures with respect to other similar countries.

As a second stage of this contribution and to facilitate the report to the mitigation targets from the transport sector, a MRV will be designed to be used in the implementation phase of the NDC. Finally, capacity will be developed through facilitating ministries engagement and promoting exchanges of best practices with peers in the Latin American Region through EUROCLIMA+ and with countries from the African Region through TraCS.

©SLOCAT/Emily Hosek
Andrea Palma