Study Tour Guides

Study Tours are multi-day field trips that aim to provide learning experiences for political decision-makers from the national or local level and for senior technical staff. Participants can learn from international experiences and best practices and engage in a peer-to-peer knowledge exchange and dissemination.
This chapter includes contents, objectives and agendas from several conducted study tours in Germany and Singapore.


Study Tour in Singapore

The Community of Practice Study Tour in Singapore in the context of the MobiliseYourCity partnership aimed at learning and disseminating knowledge on best practices, policy reforms, finance tools and infrastructure to facilitate the implementation of sustainable urban mobility. The study tour was designed and conducted by GIZ, the Low Emissions Development Strategies Global Partnership (LEDS GP) and the Transport Working Group (TWG). The full objectives and the agenda of the multi-day study tour can be downloaded below.

Name of the Document: Community of Practice – Study Tour 2018. MobiliseYourCity – Moving towards sustainable, energy efficient, urban mobility in emerging cities.
Organisation: GIZ, MobiliseYourCity, LEDS GP, TWG
Author: Patricia Mariano
Year: 2018
5 Pages | Language: English

Download here


Hydrogen Fuel Cell Bus Study Tour in Germany

In the framework of the South African-German Energy Partnership, GIZ organized a Hydrogen Fuel Cell Bus Study Tour in 2017. The main purpose of the study tour was to share lessons learnt with selected South African municipalities, bus operators and policy developers about the journey in deploying fuel cell busses. The programme for the study tour included meetings with key German metros who successfully deployed Fuel Cell Buses. Additionally, site visits to bus depots, fueling stations and various workshops with managers, engineers and operators, as well as German ministry representatives were included in the itinerary to further deepen peer to peer learning and cross-border exchange.

Name of the Document: The South African-German Energy Partnership. Hydrogen Fuel Cell Bus Study Tour, 14-22 Ocotber 2017, Germany.
Organisation: GIZ, Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy, Department of Trade and Industry South Africa, Energiewende. Switch to the future
Authors: Tobias Zeller, Sayuri Chetty and Thami Mote
Year: 2017
9 Pages | Language: English

Download here


Public EV-Charging Infrastructure Study Tour in Germany

During this Study Tour organized by the Indo-German Energy Forum Support Office and in cooperation with GIZ, a delegation of high Indian ministry representants visited Germany to meet and discuss amongst others with several industry associations, government representatives and Senate departments. Key points of interest and discussion were to identify the various stakeholders involved in setting up a public charging infrastructure with focus on the role of electricity companies. Besides these meetings, the delegation also experienced and tested a variety of publicly available and free-floating mobility options such as electric taxis, electric car and scooter sharing and free floating electric bicycles in Berlin. Key take-away of the fact-finding mission was that cross-sectoral coordination of the various involved stakeholders and initial funding is required to success in setting up a public charging infrastructure.

Name of the Document: Public EV-Charging Infrastructure in Germany. Fact-finding mission to Berlin in April 2018.
Organisation: GIZ, Indo-German Energy Forum Support Office, Energiewende, Indian Ministry of Power, German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy
Authors: Jakob Eckardt
Year: 2018
16 Pages | Language: English

View the full report here


Photo by Oliver Cole by Unsplah
10 Principles for Sustainable Urban Transport