13 October 2021

GIZ at 2nd United Nations Global Sustainable Transport Conference

Side events on October 15, 2021

The second United Nations Global Sustainable Transport Conference takes place October 14-16 in Beijing, China. It underscores the importance of sustainable transport for the achievement of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Paris Agreement on climate change.

The second Global Sustainable Transport Conference will draw upon discussions and action on sustainable transport in intergovernmental and other fora. Advances in sustainable transport will contribute to the attainment of many, if not all, of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), outlined in the 2030 Agenda.

Changing Course of Asia’s Transport Sector and Proposed Aichi 2030 Declaration (2021‐2030)

Side event by the United Nations Centre for Regional Development of the Division for Sustainable Development Goals/United Nations Development of Economic and Social Affairs (UNCRD-DSDG/UN DESA), Asian Development Bank (ADB), Ministry of the Environment (MoE) Japan

13:00-15:00 Beijing Time (UTC+8)

Here you can find a summary of the event.

This event will focus on the Sustainable Transport Goals to achieve universally accessible, safe, affordable, clean and low-carbon passenger and freight transport in Asia. Among others, Urda Eichhorst, Project Manager of the NDC Transport Initiative for Asia (NDC TIA), will participate in the panel discussion on the challenges in the transport sector, the alignment and transformation of frameworks, the expected experiences of the Aichi 2030 Declaration, and the role of partnerships and donors.

National strategies for enhancing climate ambition – systemic transformations and their enablers

Side event by the Partnership on Sustainable, Low Carbon Transport (SLOCAT), Institute for Sustainable Development and International Relations (IDDRI), The NDC Transport Initiative for Asia (NDC-TIA)

14:00-15:00 Beijing Time (UTC+8)

Here you can find the recording of the event.

This event will look at a nuanced and complementary perspective on climate goals, focusing on system transformations and their enablers, taking stock of progress in countries and sectors since the Paris Agreement. Amongst others, Hue Tran of Vietnam’s Ministry of Planning and Investment will highlight the updated transport goals of the new Green Growth Strategy of Vietnam and Garima Agrawal, Manager, Integrated Urban Transport at WRI India will represent the NDC Transport Initiative for Asia.

Integrating informal transport for a just transition to sustainable mobility in the Global South

Side event by MobiliseYourCity, Agence Francaise de Developpement (AFD), Codatu, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)

21:30-22:30 Beijing Time (UTC+8)

Here you can find the recording of the event.

Shedding light on sustainable urban transport and sustainable development as a whole, this event will invite the speakers to formulate key messages and recommendations for the donor community and international development agencies on what actions can be taken to support the integration of paratransit into mobility planning.

Multi-stakeholder policies and proposals to advance global sustainable transport

Side event by the Partnership on Sustainable, Low Carbon Transport (SLOCAT), Transformative Urban Mobility Initiative (TUMI), Sustainable Mobility for All Partnership (SUM4All), Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), C40 Cities, World Resources Institute (WRI), Transport Decarbonisation Alliance (TDA), Climate Group/EV100, CALSTART/Drive to Zero, MOVIN’ON by Michelin, International Association of Public Transport (UITP) as leads of The Action Towards Climate-Friendly Transport Initiative (ACT Initiative)

21:30-22:30 Beijing Time (UTC+8)

This event has a targeted approach to multi-stakeholder engagement and synergies, focused on the policy and proposals needed to advance progress. It brings a focused and effective approach to sustainable transport policymaking from stakeholders around the world, delivering on the conference’s call for global action to further advance sustainable transport worldwide.

Find out more about the full programme of the 2nd Sustainable Transport Conference and all side events.

Urda Eichhorst