Setting Up a Steering Structure

The implementation of ecodriving projects benefits from having a clear steering structure. This tool comprises a guide and an example for the set up of a steering structure for ecodriving projects.

Guidance by TRANSfer

This TRANSfer tool provides guidance for the establishment of a steering model. It offers an overview of the typical characteristics of a joint working group or a steering committee, which should be defined and agreed upon by the stakeholders when establishing such a structure. The use of the tool can ensure transparency and clarity concerning roles and responsibilities. It helps to develop a tailor-made steering structure adjusted to the conditions and stakeholder needs in the partner country.

Name of the Document: Mitigation Action coordination and steering structure
Organization: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
4 pages

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Steering structure example

One example of a steering structure of a multicountry Ecodriving project are the terms of reference of the PEP partnership for Ecodriving under UNECE.

Name of the Document: Form for requesting establishing of a new THE PEP Partnership
Organization: The PEP Partnership Steering Commitee
3 pages

Download here

© Marc Injozwiak
10 Principles for Sustainable Urban Transport