Remarkable Feminist Voices in Transport 2023

Study Tour and Award Ceremony

Exceptional women working in the transport sector are not rare, but beardly have a seat at the table. Role models in leading positions, private and public sector, are crucial to boost the decarbonization of the transport sector. Therefore, from the 27th of February to the 2nd of March, remarkable women from all over the world joint the first Study Tour of Feminist Voices in transportation organized by the Transformative Urban Mobility Initiative (TUMI) and Women Mobilize Women (WMW).

During this time, they had the chance to share knowledge, experiences and inspire each other. This led to an impactful exchange for the development of transportation by 30 different feminist perspectives.

In the award ceremony on March 2nd in Berlin, the participants talked about relevant topics like safety in transportation, the development of the sector and the impact that women can make as change makers and advocates in this sector.

Four women from the network Women on the Move, Dr Sheilah Gaabucayan-Napalang; Keisha Mayuga; Dr. Kalpana Viswanath; and Sonal Shah, also made highlighted contributions during the study tour and ceremony.

Dr. Kalpana Viswanath shared inspiring words on the topic of safety of transportation in the cities and the importance of women being part of the development of strategies to make public spaces accessible for every person in society.

“We also have to recognize the right to enjoy the cities. As women, we hear early that the streets are not for us as we cannot enjoy them without having to deal with harassment. This community is trying to change this for future generations. You all are inspiring women”.

Dr. Kalpana Viswanath

During the award ceremony the 5th edition of Remarkable Feminist Voice in Transport 2023 was launched and many remarkable women were awarded for their impact on supporting different projects in the transport sector.

Award Ceremony ©Sivasubramaniam Jayaraman, Source: Twitter
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