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22 December 2019

Outline for Building China’s Strength in Transport

This document introduces and provides an overview of the “Outline for Building China’s Strength in Transport”, a policy based on the 13th Five Year Plan for Economic and Social Development of the People’s Republic of China (2016-2020) and other relevant policies.

Approved by the Communist Party of China’s Central Committee (CPCCC) and the State Council on 19th September 2019, it describes the future vision and roadmap for China’s transport sector to establish itself as a global transport superpower by 2050. As a long-term oriented top-level and systematic guidance plan, the document lays out the country’s long-term transportation strategies in two phases and further specific implementation plans at a macro level.


22 Pages
Language: English
    Authors (alphabetical order):
  • Jingzhu Li
  • Sebastian Ibold

10 Principles for Sustainable Urban Transport