MobiliseYourCity Global Monitor 2022

GIZ transforms urban mobility in the Global South through mobility planning with MobiliseYourCity

Since 2015, GIZ has joined forces with the government of France and the European Union to launch MobiliseYourCity, a Partnership empowering cities to transition to sustainable urban mobility planning.
GIZ is currently supporting 13 cities and 9 countries with 16.2 million euros to offer technical assistance to develop sustainable urban mobility plans, develop tools and methodologies and advocate for more resources for sustainable mobility.

Based on a two-month data collection, the MobiliseYourCity Global Monitor is an exciting and insightful opportunity to take stock of the impact of our work through the MobiliseYourCity Partnership. This year, the MobiliseYourCity Global Secretariat decided to highlight even more the quantitative results of the Partnership through graphs and figures throughout the report. The report points out the many achievements in capacity development and draws lessons from the analysis of over 50 updated factsheets on MobiliseYourCity’s member cities and countries. In a fast-changing world, it is more important than ever to take the time to reflect and appreciate the fantastic work done by all of MobiliseYourCity’s partners throughout the world. Strengthening our ties continuously, we work to keep improving the quality of our services to MobiliseYourCity’s members.


Pages: 254 Pages
Language: English
    Authors (alphabetical order):
  • Elena Tanzarella
  • Eleonore François-Jacobs
  • Julien Ferdinand
  • Mateo Gomez Jattin
  • Sasank Vemuri
  • Vincent Larondelle