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1 November 2015

Introduction to Congestion Charging

A Guide for Practitioners in Developing Cities

This guide provides information about congestion charging as a potential policy to mitigate congestion in cities. The report is intended for policy makers interested in implementing congestion charging in their cities. It attempts to provide concise information for early stages of scheme definition and development, and guides through key decision-making processes. Its final objective is to describe how to develop the conceptual idea of ‘charging’ into a solid and feasible policy.

Congestion charging can not only steer transport demand in the desired direction and reduce congestion in cities. The revenues generated could also provide an additional source of financing and funding of public transport/ low-carbon transport. Such use of revenues is likely to raise public benefits and in turn increases public and political acceptability of congestion charges.

The report is split into modules, of which different audiences can choose those chapters that may appeal to them. The focus of the background part (chapter 1 and 2) is on explaining what congestion charging is without using the usual scientific terminology. The second part of this guide (chapter 3 to 6) focusses on the process and steps that are necessary in order to create a suitable congestion charging policy for your city or region.

This publication is also available in Chinese.


58 Pages
Language: English

    Authors (alphabetical order):
  • van Amelsfort