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15 February 2023

Infrastructure Investment Programme for Rail Connections to Javanese Ports

Concept and Roadmap

The island of Java in Indonesia is an example of how connecting seaports to the rail network can bring huge economic and environmental benefits. A clear and compelling case is essential to mobilise the necessary political and financial support for rail port connectivity projects. This report argues that a ‘programme’ approach, comprising a series of projects to connect the rail network to the ports on Java Island, has greater potential to deliver overall benefits than managing the delivery of connections through individual ‘projects’. This report is part of the GIZ TRANSfer III programme for Indonesia, which focuses on the Infrastructure Investment Programme for Rail Connections to Javanese Ports. It builds on the Financial Design Study and the Technical Design Study for the “Action Programme on Intermodal Freight Transport in Java, Indonesia”, which were developed through a participatory process.

A report version in Bahasa Indonesia is available here


Pages: 36 Pages
Language: English, Indonesian

    Commissioned by:
  • BMWi