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21 August 2019

Impact Assessment of Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure in Electricity Distribution Systems

A technical study report from India

This study addresses key technical challenges while integrating EV charging infrastructure in the electricity distribution network. Possible technical impacts on the grid are analysed in detail for one electric distribution company in New Delhi. It is expected that this study will be relevant for the regulators, power distribution companies, research institutes, EV charging station manifactures, and other relevant government and private organisations who all are engaged in the electric vehicle development in India. The approach and findings can be of interest for the global readership. The outcome of the study includes important technical measures which could support distribution power companies for the large-scale uptake of e-mobility charging infrastructure in the future.

A shorter conference paper was presented and published in the proceeding of the second International Conference on Large-Scale Grid Integration of Renewable Energy in Inida in September 2019.


123 Pages
Language: English

    Authors (alphabetical order):
  • Dr. Chandrasekhar Reddy Atla (PRDC)
  • Dr. Indradip Mitra
  • Dr. Nagaraja Ramappa (PRDC)
  • Rahul Bagadia (pManifold)
  • Sinan Muhiudden (PRDC)
  • Srinivas Narayana (PRDC)
  • Sudhanshu Mishra
  • Umashankar Gantayat (PRDC)