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7 October 2022

Incentives to Ramp-up Decentralised Production of PtL SAF

(Chapter 7 in ICAO Environmental Report 2022)

How to move towards green aviation? The Environmental Report 2022 by the International Civic Aviation Organisation (ICAO) explores the feasibility and options for measures to move aviation towards climate neutrality. The International PtX Hub’s experts Sonia Rueda, Frank Mischler, and Ruth Barbosa contributed a chapter on Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF), focusing on incentives to ramp-up decentralised production and sustainability considerations for the SAF market ramp up.

A Book & Claim mechanism is proposed to accelerate the SAF market ramp up, which, if implemented globally, might help overcome the challenges currently posed by the different geographic locations of demand and supply sources of SAF. For the economic feasibility of a decentralised approach, the authors present Brazil and the ProQR project as an example.

Full ICAO Environmental Report 2022: https://www.icao.int/environmental-protection/Documents/EnvironmentalReports/2022/ICAO%20ENV%20Report%202022%20F4.pdf

International PtX Hub EESG Framework for Sustainable PtX: https://ptx-hub.org/ptx-sustainability/

ProQR project in Brazil: https://ptx-hub.org/proqr/

Read more about the PtX Hub and ProQR projects and chapter here: https://ptx-hub.org/ptx-hub-and-proqr-advise-on-the-ptl-saf-market-ramp-up-in-the-icao-environment-report-2022/


4 Pages
Language: English
    Authors (alphabetical order):
  • Frank Mischler
  • Ruth Barbosa
  • Sonia Rueda