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21 December 2021

Action Programme on Intermodal Freight Transport in Java, Indonesia

Technical Design Study (Summary)

Railways can deliver climate-friendly freight transport. This study assesses the case of Indonesia’s main island of Java. It describes barriers for intermodal rail transport, develops a policy action programme and assesses its potential impacts. The study has been a key element in the cooperation between the Indonesian government and the GIZ TRANSfer III project. Several of its recommendations have already been implemented or have been included in official plans.

Authors: Dr. Ronald A. Halim (Equitable Maritime Consulting); Tim Breemersch (Transport and Mobility Leuven); Dr. Nahry, Dr. Andyka Kusuma (Universitas Indonesia).

Commissioner: German Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety


35 Pages
Language: English
    Authors (alphabetical order):
  • Friedel Sehlleier

10 Principles for Sustainable Urban Transport