Mobilising Private Investment in Sustainable Transport Infrastructure

This brochure and working paper respectively introduce and detail a set of financing mechanisms to up-scale private investment for green mobility.

Together they provide a structured toolkit of climate policies, regulations, and financing tools that focus mobility funding on land-based transport infrastructure for passenger use. This includes bus rapid transit systems, metros, passenger rail, non-motorised transportation and electric vehicle charging infrastructure. Key priorities are described to help governments at various levels meet their transport infrastructure investment goals.

The information targets developed and developing countries alike. Municipal level governments can adapt and use the pricing and financing recommendations to source funding for the development and implementation of an SUMP or at the least to realign financing streams toward data gathering and transport modelling, which tend to be the costlier elements of SUMP development.

This document is most beneficial for reviewing policy and regulatory contexts, to determine where reform is necessary that can open the market to investments and enhance incentives. In this way revenue instruments can be established to fund SUMPs and future updates over the longer-term.


81 Pages
Language: English

    Authors (alphabetical order):
  • Géraldine Ang
  • Virginie Marchal

    Commissioned by:
  • OECD