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29 September 2020

MobiliseYourCity Global Monitor 2020

An Overview of Five Years of Results

Only five years after its launch, the MobiliseYourCity Partnership has established itself as a leading global Partnership of nearly 100 partners. With 36 million euros to support mobility planning (SUMPs and NUMPs) in 30 cities and 10 countries, the first projects completed in 2019 have mobilised 811 million euros for concrete sustainable mobility projects.  

Thanks to the generous contributions of the European Union, the French Ministry for the Ecological and Inclusive Transition (MTES), the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, and Nuclear Safety (BMU), and the Agence Française de Développement (AFD), as of February 2020, the implementing partners have raised 36 million euros in grants to support partner cities and countries in advancing sustainable urban mobility planning and project development.

The main implementing partners, Agence Française de Développement (AFD) and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), are supporting 23 SUMPs and 3 NUMPs, and 7 SUMPs and 8 NUMPs respectively. CODATU, Cerema and ADEME and the Wuppertal Institute are supporting cities in capacity building activities. As a founding member of the MobiliseYourCity Partnership, we work with our partners to shape mobility systems for cities of the future worth living in. GIZ is currently supporting the development of sustainable mobility plans in 7 cities and 8 countries respectively.

The completion of 8 SUMPs and 3 NUMPs in 2019 has helped mobilise an additional 811 million euros for concrete sustainable mobility projects in partner cities and countries. Aggregated across locations with confirmed follow-up projects, this investment will lead to l2 metro lines, 8 BRT corridors, 5 cable cars, 21 bus corridors, 6 transport hubs, stations and depots, 10 trams, 150 buses and trolleybuses. These investments will enable approximately 6 million people to have improved access to public transportation. With ongoing work in another 22 cities and 10 countries, we expect to be able to scale this success.

In addition to concrete results in mobility planning and mobilising finance for investments, the Partnership is raining awareness on the need to decarbonise urban transport and building capacities to enable transformation.  Just in 2019, 430 people were trained through 39 workshops and trainings.

To learn more about the MobiliseYourCity Partnership’s results, download MobiliseYourCity’s Global Monitor 2020 here.

For more information, visit: http://mobiliseyourcity.net


113 Pages
Language: English
    Authors (alphabetical order):
  • Eléonore François-Jacobs
  • Mateo Gomez Jattin
  • Sasank Vemuri
  • Vincent Larondelle

10 Principles for Sustainable Urban Transport