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19 August 2021

Lessons Learnt During 4 years of Advancing Climate Strategies in Kenya

This report gives an overview of actitivites carried out by the GIZ Advancing Transport Climate Strategies (TraCS) project team in collaboration with the Kenya State Department of Transport from 2017-2021. It documents lessons learnt that we think could be of value to other projects.

The report is structured along the four activity streams of TraCS Kenya:

  • Climate change strategy – to support mainstreaming of climate change for implementation of climate change actions.
  • Monitoring, data maintenance and climate change reporting – to support establishment of an instituational framework for climate change reporting
  • Capacity building and networking – to provide learning avenues for the transport sector
  • Outreach – to facilitate dissemination on transport and climate change information

The document also contains a list of articles, publications and tools as well as videos that were developed throughout the project implementation.


23 Pages
Language: English

    Authors (alphabetical order):
  • Carol Mutiso
  • Herman Kwoba
  • Nadja Taeger