Institutional Cooperation: “CH4LLENGE Kit”

Working Jointly with Institutional Partners in the Context of Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans

The EU project CH4LLENGE sought to identify and help assist with pressing challenges of SUMP development. The “CH4LLENGE Kit” on Institutional Cooperation supports practitioners in dealing with barriers in the following situations: identifying relevant partners, encouraging impacted stakeholders to participate and engage, and delegating and agreeing on each partner’s responsibilities.

The factsheet introduces common challenges and give corresponding recommendations. These are then described fully in the manual. Key recommendations are discussed and involve the following cooperation processes:

  • understanding the legal context and how it applies to institutional cooperation during SUMP development;
  • ensuring sustainable mobility is on a city’s agenda, and is committed to SUMP principles;
  • identifying a responsible party as project manager for the SUMP development project, who is responsible for reviewing available resources, skills and finances and which of these will have to be outsourced;
  • identifying the functional and geographical scope of the institutional cooperation, and
  • contacting and involving partners, and defining their roles to agree on rules and a partnership structure, allocation of resources, respective agendas, and objectives shared among partners with relevant expertise.

Some of the illustrative examples provided in this manual are from European contexts; however, the guidance itself is highly relevant for developing and transitional countries alike.


47 Pages
Language: English

    Authors (alphabetical order):
  • Alistair Ryder
  • Ivo Cré
  • Mojca Balant
  • Steve Heckley
  • Thomas Mourey