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15 August 2017

Approaches for Establishing In-Use Vehicle Stock and Vehicle Mileages

Background Paper

This background paper addresses data collection and processing of two of the three main components of establishing a bottom-up emissions inventory for the transport sector – average vehicle mileages and the in-use vehicle fleet in a country (the third component being emission factors that match the in-use vehicle fleet). Both types of data are often not readily available and regularly reported in official statistics in developing countries.

This paper therefore explains different approaches to establish average vehicle mileage, and it presents methods applied in Germany, USA and France to obtain an up-to-date vehicle register. It discusses the methods, their strengths and weaknesses, as well as the context
of the different approaches. This is intended to help identifying approaches that are suitable for application in different country contexts.

The focus of the methods discussed in this paper is the passenger car. However, special attention is also given to the applicability of the presented approaches to two-wheelers.

The background paper was developed in cooperation with the German Aerospace Center (DLR) and IVT Research.



Language: English

    Authors (alphabetical order):
  • Marcus Bäumer
  • Tobias Kuhnimhof
  • Uwe Kunert