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25 November 1920

Complete Streets Framework Toolkit

Complete Streets is an IDTP project that uses the same principles as SUMPs to promote non-motorized transport and mobility. It takes into account users with a broad range of mobility needs, depending on their age, income, gender, bodily and mental abilities and chosen mode of transportation.

The Best Practices brochure briefly demonstrates how the Indian cities of Chennai, Pune, and Ranchi selected and implemented specific measures according to their individual situations to encourage better shared street space. This was executed by analysing their respective mobility challenges and users’ unmet mobility needs. The different measures demonstrated include:

  • reclaiming spaces from roads for the introduction of safe and continuous footpaths, safe cycle networks, and pedestrian crossings
  • introducing benches and shelters to facilitate more walkable streets with areas for resting
  • making thoroughfares and roadways more uniform and therefore more efficient to share space among the different modes
  • reorganising on-street parking with small-scale actions to clear previously obstructed cycling and walking infrastructure

The rest of the toolkit consists of 7 parts, following a procedural sequence from policy change to implementation techniques. All of them revolve around best practice examples that illustrate measure selection when creating Complete Streets in Indian cities


23 Pages
Language: English

    Authors (alphabetical order):
  • Institute for Transportation and Development Policy