Sustainable Urban Transport in Tirana (SUTi)

The mobility of people is a major topic worldwide. Urban mobility in Tirana, one of the densest and fastest growing cities in Europe, has been on the agenda for many years. The number of vehicles rose from almost zero at the end of communism in the late 1980s to around 200 cars per 1,000 inhabitants today. Extreme traffic, rising GHG emissions and severe air quality impacts are some of the negative results. Alternatives to car usage, such as high-quality public transport, safe and comfortable pedestrian facilities and cycling paths, need to be improved to allow a modal shift to more sustainable modes. Investments have already led to positive results and this momentum must be maintained and expanded. The lack of necessary personnel and technical and institutional capacities to design and implement mobility measures remain a challenge.


The project provides support in developing efficient and data-driven management structures to deliver climate-friendly urban mobility in Tirana. To maintain and expand the impressive number of people who walk and cycle (32 per cent) and who use public transport (36 per cent), quality improvements must be made. This requires a better bus system and an infrastructure that favours walking and cycling. To achieve its mobility goals, the project has three main areas of intervention with multiple tools and demonstration projects:

  1. Establishing a data-driven management structure and culture for sustainable urban mobility actions in Tirana.
  2. Improving the service quality of the bus system through a better customer focus, quality management and commercial performance.
  3. Improving the quality and integration of walking and cycling.

The project is part of a global partnership, the Transformative Urban Mobility Initiative (TUMI).

Project Information

Concluded Bilateral

Contact: Dr. Christian Mettke,

Countries: Albania

Duration: 2020 – 2024 

Funder: Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)

Implementation: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH

Implementing Partner: Ministry of Infrastructure and Energy (MoIE)

Political Partner: Ministry of Infrastructure and Energy (MoIE), Albania

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