Programme for Sustainable Transport (PTS) in Mexico

PTS worked with partner institutions at the national, state, and local level in Mexico to promote a transformation in the freight transport sector and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

The programme worked in three fields:

Regulatory framework and political dialogue: Technical assistance in the development of a regulatory framework that promotes the sustainability of freight transportation and the promotion of political dialogue between entities of the three levels of government and the private sector.

Training and information: Promotion of the professionalization of cargo transportation through training and collaboration with the private sector, and systematization and compilation of information related to freight transportation.

Pilot projects at the subnational level: Implementation of pilot projects to improve last-mile delivery through cycle logistics with cargo bikes and digital loading zone management. Dissemination of experiences and lessons learned in national exchange networks.

Project Information

Contact: Stephanie Hartmann,

Country: Mexico

Duration: 2019 – 2023

Status: concluded

Funder: Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)

Implementation: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)

Political Partners:

  • Mexican Environmental Ministry (SEMARNAT)
  • Ministry of Environment and the Ministry of Economic Development of the federal state of Jalisco
  • Municipalities of Guadalajara and Zapopan

Further Links: 

10 Principles for Sustainable Urban Transport