Promotion of Electric Mobility in Cabo Verde (ProMEC)

Three out of 10 households in Cabo Verde own a private car. However, due to the country’s improving economic situation and an increasing demand for individual transport, it is expected that the motorization level will steadily rise in the coming years. Cabo Verde’s government (GoCV) has identified the promotion of electric vehicles (EV) as a strategy for reducing road transport-related greenhouse gas emissions.

The Promoção da Mobilidade Elétrica em Cabo Verde (ProMEC – Promotion of Electric Mobility in Cabo Verde, in English) project supports the government in further developing and implementing its strategy for the promotion of electric vehicles to reach a significant market share of total vehicle purchases. By the end of ProMEC, the intention is to have at least 4.3 percent of newly registered light-duty vehicles and at least 10 percent of new public administration vehicle procurement to be electric. ProMEC will support and provide incentives for the acquisition of an estimated amount of 600 electric vehicles, the installation of a network of at least 40 commercial and 100 private EV charging stations, and the implementation of seven e-bus demonstration projects.

The project offers financial incentives via the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Energy (MICE), accomplished through a grant agreement between the German Government and MICE, to encourage people to buy electric vehicles.
The project also supports MICE through a public invitation to tender for selecting one investor to set up a network of public charging stations. For this task, the investor will receive financial support from the project.
In the country’s two largest cities, the project assists the two public transport companies in testing electric buses by providing technical and financial support.

The project components & key results:

1. Rebate programme for supporting the acquisition of 600 EVs and 100 EV charging stations
Rebate programme in place (started in June 2022)

2. Establishment of a network of a minimum of 40 public charging stations
Concession Contract signed with local company “Trações Elétricas de Cabo Verde” to install and operate the public charging network (first charging stations already installed)

3. Legal and regulatory framework for EVs and EV charging
Amendment of a key regulation allowed EVs to be used in public transport

4. E-bus pilot projects
Detailed concept for operationalization of e-bus in place.

5. Capacity building for sector professionals in Cabo Verde incl. international knowledge exchange
MoUs signed with two major vocational training institutes to provide EV and charging station maintenance training

6. Monitoring and reporting of road transport-related GHG emissions
Assessment of current inventory methodology demonstrated the need to further improve it.

7. Awareness raising

8. Grid integration / grid impact of EV charging
Grid impact to be assessed to understand impact of EV penetration.

Project Information

Contact: Léo Pagnac,

Country: Cabo Verde

Duration: 2020 – 2025

Status: ongoing

Funder: Mitigation Action Facility

Implementation: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH

Implementing Partner: Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Energy of Cabo Verde

Political Partners:

  • Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Energy (MICE)
  • National Directorate of Environment (DNA) of the Ministry of Agriculture and Environment (MAA)
  • Directorate General of Road Transport (DGTR) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
  • Ministry of Finance (MoF)

Further Links: 

10 Principles for Sustainable Urban Transport