Mobilité Verte” Yaoundé 

Transforming urban mobility for a better future

Mobilité Verte (MoVe) Yaoundé will transform Yaoundé into a safer, healthier, and equitable place by shifting mobility patterns from a congested, car-oriented city to a resilient, people-oriented city, where active mobility and an integrated public transport network are at the core of the metropolitan vision. MoVe Yaoundé is co-financed by the European Union, the French Government and the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).

The project is implemented jointly by the German Development Cooperation (GIZ) and the French Development Cooperation (AFD) in a “Team Europe” approach. The project’s activities are developed in close collaboration with the project’s political supervisor, the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development (MINHDU, in French), and the City Council of Yaoundé (Communauté Urbaine de Yaoundé – CUY).

Together with the CUY:

  • GIZ will support the creation of green and walkable corridors in downtown Yaoundé (action field 1), and the modernisation of the paratransit fleet with a focus on yellow taxi (action field 2). In addition, GIZ will also support a cross-cutting action field focussing on communication, gender and innovation.
  • The AFD will support the preparation of the city of Yaoundé for the future Bus Rapid Transit system (Trans – Yaoundé).

MoVe Yaoundé will contribute to positive social, economic, and environmental externalities:

1. Reduced greenhouse gases emissions and local air pollutants: An integrated multimodal public transport system will slow down rapid motorisation by offering an attractive alternative to private car ownership.

2. Improvements in road safety: Complete streets will protect pedestrians and enable safer interaction between vehicles, pedestrians and street vendors.

3. Creating jobs and protecting livelihoods: Taking Street vendors into account in the street redesign will help to preserve the income generation and vibrant culture of Yaoundé’s streets.

4. Gender equality and empowerment: More accessible, safe, comfortable, and affordable travel will promote women’s and girls’ access to various opportunities.

5. Strengthening resilience and adaptation to climate change: Planting trees and greenery will significantly reduce ambient temperatures in Yaounde and purifies the air by combating heat island effects.

Project Information

Ongoing Bilateral

Contact: Rigobert Kilu,

Countries: Cameroon (City of Yaoundé)

Duration: 06/2023 – 04/2027


  • The European Union
  • The French Government
  • The Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), Germany

Implementation: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH

Implementing Partner: The French Development Cooperation (AFD) 

Political Partners:

  • The Ministry of Housing and Urban Development (MINHDU),
  • The city council of Yaoundé (Communaute Urbaine de Yaounde – CUY)

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