What Role Does Transport Play in Countries’ Climate Plans?


When: 27 January, 3pm CET
Where: Online

Despite the growing share of transport targets, only 8% of global transport emissions are covered by GHG and non-GHG targets in new and updated NDCs. This demonstrates that current targets and actions remain insufficient.

Are you interested to know what countries are planning to enhance climate action in transport? Then join our online event!

On January 27 at 3pm CET, GIZ together with the SLOCAT Partnership on Sustainable, Low Carbon Transport will present to you its new analysis on climate ambition in transport. It provides detailed information on transport measures and targets in Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and long-term climate strategies (LTS) submitted to the UNFCCC.

We invite you to join the seminar, listen in on what we found and discuss with us about what role transport can and should play in NDCs and LTS. If you would like to read more about our work on transport in new NDCs please click here.

Registration closed.



10 Principles for Sustainable Urban Transport