Launch of Women in Green Hydrogen (WiGH) network

BERLIN, Germany (November 24, 2020)

Green Hydrogen – an emerging sector that is heavily dominated by men when it comes to public speaking and stakeholder engagement.

To increase the visibility of women working on green hydrogen, Women in Green Hydrogen (WiGH) launches the first expert database in the sector. It is entirely crowdsourced and aims to diversify perspectives in the area of green hydrogen.

Women in Green Hydrogen (WiGH)

Believing that diversity is essential for a sector that thrives on innovation and new ideas, WiGH was created during the summer 2020. It aims to promote the participation of women in conferences, expert talks, and media appearances, to shape a more diverse and inclusive discourse in the green hydrogen world. From an initial idea to create a LinkedIn group to connect women professionals, WiGH is now a network with international outreach.

Green Hydrogen Expert Database

The new database showcases female talent and offer event organisers a valuable tool to find potential speakers, to break the cycle of male-dominated events.
It has exceeded the expectations for the launch, gathering almost 100 expert profiles. Several event organisers have already warmly welcomed the initiative.

“I was very happy to come across WiGH. When looking for speakers, we always try to bring diversity to the stage, but it has been tough. The database makes finding these connections easier, both at the national and the international level.” – Carolynn Jaworska, Sales and Marketing Manager for Events and Conferences at Peter Sauber Agentur Messen und Kongresse GmbH.

“It is also important for designing conference content. By giving women a voice, the network enables new ways of identifying trends and hot topics in the green hydrogen discussion.” – Kira Weinmann, Communications and Knowledge Manager at NOW GmbH “

Upcoming Activities

But this is just the first step for WiGH. The team is planning many activities to foster knowledge exchange and professional opportunities, like peer-learning formats, social media presence, mentorship projects and networking events. The first networking event is set to take place on December 15th.

“We have an exciting agenda set up and are looking forward to connecting with the other women in green hydrogen!” – Julia Epp, Researcher at WZB Berlin Social Science Center

Join us!

If you are a woman working in the green hydrogen sector or an event organiser and want to make use of our resources, you can find us on our Website, on Twitter, on LinkedIn, or write us at in We would love to hear from you!

The set-up of the Women in Green Hydrogen expert database was financially supported by the German Federal Ministry of the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU).

Members of the WiGH founding team:

  • Vaitea Cowan, Enapter Co-founder, AEM Electrolyser Manufacturer
  • Kathrin Goldammer, Managing Director at Reiner Lemoine Institute
  • Julia Epp, PhD at Berlin Social Science Center
  • Charlotte Hussy, Advisor at Gesellschaft für internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
  • Gökçe Mete, Research Fellow, Stockholm Environment Institute
  • Giulia Varaschin, Young Professional at Gesellschaft für internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
  • Brittany Westlake, Technical Leader at Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
  • Jekaterina Boening, Senior Policy Manager at Transport & Environment
  • Kirsten Westphal Senior Energy Analyst at SWP and Member of the German National Hydrogen Council


Contact: Charlotte Hussy, GIZ:








Maren Schoettler, Berlin

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