Guide to Electric Urban Mobility in Uruguay

In the framework of the elaboration of its National Policy for Sustainable Urban Mobility (NUMP), the government of Uruguay presented the Guide for Electric Urban Mobility in Uruguay. This document will provide practical guidance in the decision making and definition of electromobility projects, both in subnational governments and in the private sector.

Its launch frames as one of the applicable instruments for cities, companies and civil society that will support the implementation of the NUMP Uruguay, developed in the framework of the EUROCLIMA+ programme with the technical support of GIZ.

This guide aims for departments to take it as an input and include electromobility in the design of their mobility and urban planning policies.”

Fitzgerald Cantero Piali, National Director of Energy of the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Mining

The guide aims to provide departmental governments with everything they need to promote sustainable urban mobility, including electric urban mobility, as well as to develop capacities at the national level and among all stakeholders involved.

To this end, multiple topics are addressed to achieve comprehensive coverage of electric mobility in the country: a state of the art of the current situation of electromobility, recommendations and case studies, as well as business models. It covers different aspects such as mobility of persons, freight transport, charging infrastructure and battery management.

As a complement to the Guide, it also offers a Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) analysis tool to be evaluated by initiatives with an interest in electromobility and to analyze their profitability.

The event was attended by representatives of the European Union, GIZ and the inter-ministerial group working on the elaboration of the NUMP Uruguay: Ministries of Industry, Energy and Mining (MIEM); Environment (MA); Housing and Territorial Planning (MVOT); Economy and Finance (MEF); and Transport and Public Works (MTOP); as well as the Office of Planning and Budget (OPP).

For the European Union, the issue of electric mobility is very important. We are interested in sustainable mobility and it is aligned with the themes of the European Green Pac.”

Marta Ramírez, EU Delegate in Uruguay

Currently, there are favorable conditions for electric mobility in Uruguay: 98% of the energy grid in Uruguay is renewable, there are 55 electric taxis in Montevideo and the first electric route in Latin America with 50 charging stations throughout the country.

You can access the Guide on Electric Urban Mobility in Uruguay (in Spanish) at this link.
Courtesy of MIEM Uruguay

Andrea Palma, Santiago

10 Principles for Sustainable Urban Transport