Guidance for a Bus Sector Transformation

A reform of the bus sector changes the way bus services are planned, procured, monitored and operated. It can fundamentally affect the role of the city authority through increased control over financial flows, risks and service obligations and influence the composition, scale and duties of bus operators and service providers. Therefore, this chapter includes two guidance documents on bus sector reforms and deployment of zero-emission buses.

Driving Change: Reforming Urban Bus Services

When talking about sustainable transport policies, the intention often is to change the rules of the game. While objectives may be noble, cities must recognise the likely scale of opposition to reforms. Reform processes require periods of detailed consultation and negotiation to steer reforms towards intended outcomes. This paper focuses particularly on the “how” to improve services by laying out the rationale and steps for cities to achieve bus sector reforms. This includes case studies, examples and illustrations.

This paper is for city authorities who seek to transform bus services in response to user expectations and environmental challenges. It builds on experience from cities in emerging markets as well as proceedings and follow-up activities of a seminar held in 2018 by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) on the very same topic.

Name of the Document: Driving change: reforming urban bus services. A policy paper of the EBRD’s Sustainable Infrastructure Group.
Author: Colin Brader, Ian Jennings and Kjetil Tvedt
Organisation: European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, GIZ, UITP, MobiliseYourCity
Year: 2019
60 Pages | Language: English
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Guidebook for Deploying Zero-Emission Transit Buses

The Zero‐Emission Bus Deployment Guidebook is a tool for educating transit agencies on current best practices for ZEB deployments and represents lessons learned from previous deployments, industry experts, and available industry resources. The Guidebook is intended to provide transit agencies with the information necessary to achieve the maximum benefit out of their ZEB deployment and mitigate potential risks. Every deployment will be guided by the transit agency’s specific needs and priorities; therefore the Guidebook cannot provide prescriptive answers to every decision. Rather, it provides transit agencies with the context and knowledge needed to understand the complexity of a ZEB deployment; supports decision making; and emphasizes the importance of building and maintaining successful relationships with technology providers, utility companies, fuel suppliers, and contractors.

Name of the Document: Guidebook for Deploying Zero-Emission Transit Buses
Authors: Meredith Linscott, Amy Posner, Center for Transportations and the Environment,  Transit Cooperative research program, Transportation Research Board
Organisation: National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine
Year: 2020
182 Pages | Language: English
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Going electric: a pathway to zero-emission buses

The Policy Paper ‘Going electric – A pathway to zero-emission buses’ is intended to facilitate policymaking and the development of electric bus schemes, and to assist project finance. It summarises emerging good practices across a range of important topics and geographies. E-buses are now being deployed rapidly across a wide range of cities, with mass production leading to reductions in unit costs and lower technological risk.

Schemes can now be developed that make a material contribution towards typical urban transport goals within realistic funding budgets. This report aims to show that e-buses have moved beyond the experimental and that sponsors have a range of technologies and financing options at their disposal. It is aimed primarily at scheme promoters and sponsors.

Name of the Document: Going electric. A pathway to zero-emission buses.
Authors: David Leeder, Alok Jain, Ian Jennings, Xiaolu Wang, Kjetil Tvedt, Arno Kerkhof, Aida Abdulah, Christian Mettke and Corinna Winter
Organisation: European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, GIZ, UITP, MobiliseYourCity
Year: 2021
78 Pages | Language: English
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Discussion Paper: Minibus Electrification in Africa

In this paper we explore how current fossil fuel-powered minibus fleets in African cities can be replaced with electric minibuses, or e-minibuses, moving from the current experimental scale to roll-out at the city or national level. The paper was developed alongside a workshop on minibus electrification in Africa that was hosted by GIZ and VREF in Kigali on 11-13 June 2024, attended by researchers, private sector practitioners and decision-makers from multiple African countries.

Name of the Document: Discussion Paper : Minibus Electrification in Africa
Authors: Herrie Schalekamp, Holger Dalkmann, Mateo Gomez Jattin
Organisation: European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, GIZ, UITP, MobiliseYourCity
Year: 2024
40 Pages | Language: English
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10 Principles for Sustainable Urban Transport