Overview of GIZ Transport Events at COP27

COP27 under the UNFCCC will be held between November 6 and November 18, 2022. As in previous years, the GIZ Transport Team is co-organizing and participating in many other panels, receptions and offsite side-events, joining forces with partners from relevant sectors to present sustainable transport as a holistic, cross-cutting solution. Read below for an overview of GIZ Transport’s presence at COP27.


Week 1

Experiences on the road to sustainable mobility – Perspectives from Colombia, Kenya and Vietnam

November 8 | 5:00 – 6:00 pm (UTC+2) 
Venue: UNFCCC PCCB Pavilion, Capacity Building Hub (Area B, room 12)
Organised by: GIZ and UNFCCC
GIZ focal point: Nadja Taeger
Event details: Joint panel event by TraCS and UNFCCC on transport, climate ambition and transparency.
For online participation: Join here.
Watch the event recording.


Support opportunities available to developing country Parties for implementing MRV arrangements under the Convention and ETF under the Paris Agreement

November 9 | 4:45 – 6:15 pm (UTC+2) 
Venue: UNFCCC Pavilion, Tutankhamun (Area C, room 9)
Organised by: UNFCCC, with GIZ as guest speaker
GIZ focal point: Nadja Taeger
Event details: Panel event, highlighting financial, technical and capacity-building support opportunities available to developing country Parties for enhancing climate action progress and report capacities under the Convention and the Enhanced Transparency Framework under the Paris Agreement.
For online participation: Join here.


Enhanced mobility, enhanced ambition – Strengthening climate action in transport in Kenya, Morocco and Uganda

November 10 | 3:30 – 4:30 pm (UTC+2) 
Venue: NDC Partnership Pavilion (Area C, room 5)
Organised by: Ministries of Transport of Uganda, Kenya, and Morocco, with GIZ
GIZ focal point: Nadja Taeger
Event details: Side event, in which African countries will present their strategies for abating emissions despite increasing demand for transportation systems.
Watch the event recording.


Role of e-mobility in Africa: Towards an inclusive low carbon transition

November 11 | 4:00 – 5:00 pm (UTC+2) 
Venue: Climate Compatible Growth Pavilion
Organised by: CCG, HVT, SUM4ALL
GIZ focal point: Marvin Stolz
Further information: via COP27 Side Events
Watch the event recording.


Accessing Climate Finance for Transport: Lessons from project preparation facilities and MDB climate action

November 11 | 5:15 – 6:30 pm (UTC+2) 
Venue: Climate Compatible Growth Pavilion
Organised by: GIZ
GIZ focal point: Friedel Sehlleier
Event details: Side event, exploring insights from TRANSfer, the MobiliseYourCity Partnership, and more.
Further information: via COP27 Side Events
Watch the event recording.


TRANSfer Closing Reception

November 11 | 6:30 pm (UTC+2) 
Venue: Climate Compatible Growth Pavilion
Organised by: GIZ
GIZ focal point: Friedel Sehlleier
Event details: Side event, on international dialogue on climate finance, as well as to celebrate conclusion of TRANSfer III.


Week 2

SLOCAT Transport Day: “Towards Meaningful Investment in Public Transport, Walking and Cycling”(1)

November 15 | 9:00 – 12:00 am (UTC+2) 
Venue: Multilevel Action Pavilion
Organised by: SLOCAT, moderated and sponsored by TUMI/BMZ
GIZ focal point: Jens Giersdorf
Agenda and event details: here | For online participation: Register and join here.
Watch the event recording.


Just transport and energy transition in IsDB countries

November 16 | 12:30 – 1:30 pm (UTC+2) 
Venue: Islamic Development Bank Pavilion
Organised by: SLOCAT / IsDB
GIZ focal point: Urda Eichhorst, with Daniel Bongardt as a panelist
Event details and online participation: here.
Watch the event recording.


Events on November 17 | Solutions Day at COP27(2)
India’s Global Leadership in the Transition to Electric Mobility

November 17 | 3:00 – 5:00 pm (UTC+2) 
Venue: India Pavillion
Organised by: NITI Aayog and World Economic Forum
GIZ focal point: Urda Eichhorst
Event agenda: here | Online participation: here.
Watch the event recording.


Sustainable mobility and climate recovery through BRT

November 17 | 4:00 – 5:00 PM (UTC+2) 
Venue: Hall A (Green Zone)
Organised by: Ministry of Transportation (Egypt)
GIZ focal point: Marvin Stolz with Mike Enskat as speaker.
Registration (in-person only) and Green Zone agenda: here.


Accelerating Just Transition to Low Carbon Transport in Asia and the Pacific

November 17 | 5:00 – 6:00 pm (UTC+2) 
Venue: NDC Partnership Pavillion
Organised by: ESCAP
GIZ focal point: Urda Eichhorst
Event details and online participation: here.
Watch the event recording.


Inclusive and Sustainable Mobility: How local best practices can influence positive action by the federal government

November 17 | 5:30 – 6:45 pm (UTC+2) 
Venue: Brazil Hub
GIZ focal point: Eleonore Francois-Jacobs
Event details: MobiliseYourCity Partnership participating as speaker. 
Event details and registration: here.


Moving towards sustainable urban mobility: perspectives from Africa, Latin America and the European Union

November 17 | 5:30 – 6:30 pm (UTC+2) 
Venue: EU Pavillion
Organised by: DG MOVE / INTPA / NEAR, MobiliseYourCity Partnership & Euroclima+
GIZ focal point: Mateo Gomez and Victor Valente
Agenda, event details, registration and online access: here.

(1) The SLOCAT Transport Day on November 15 will be a key event for the sector, aiming to enhance the transport community’s engagement with the COP27 Presidency and Egyptian High-Level Climate Action Champion. As a partner in the SLOCAT Task Force on Transport Community Engagement in the UNFCCC, GIZ will support the Transport Day to promote critical thematic elements, such as the scale up of public transport, global supply chains, and African and Global South transport perspectives. SLOCAT’s full compilation of transport-focused and -related events at COP27 can be found here.

(2) Egypt’s Presidency has set November 17th as the dedicated Solutions Day, in which Sustainable Transport and Urban Mobility occupy the fourth slot. The session will highlight innovation and resilience as pathways towards green transport, particularly in support of low-carbon, affordable transport in Africa and the Global South. The Marrakech Partnership for Global Climate Action will also hold dedicated transport sessions, including the Implementation Lab on ‘Engineering the vision for climate resilient transport’ on November 17, 2022.



Bicycle lane in Sharm-el Sheikh COP27 ©Friedel Sehlleier

Giulia Metyas

10 Principles for Sustainable Urban Transport