“Every individual has a role to play”

Transport and Climate Change Week 2018 participants share their thoughts

During the Transport and Climate Change Week we seek to integrate several interests, personal backgrounds and contexts into a single concept, and a single purpose: How can we enhance our partners’ knowledge on central issues, such as MRV, E-Mobility or Participatory Planning and enhance their capabilities and ambitions to tackle climate change?

We asked the participants to describe their experiences during the event. Here are some of their answers:


The Transport and Climate Change Week 2018 offers the invited countries the opportunity to learn about […] GHG emissions reductions, promotion of new technologies and electric transportation, as well as ways to improve the living conditions in our cities.

Eduardo Brenes, Vice-Minister of Public Works and Transportation of Costa Rica

We have gained valuable insights, especially in the collection of data for transport planning and monitoring of Costa Rica’s climate change goals in the transport sector.

Ana Lucia Moya, Direction of Climate Change of Costa Rica

We learned a lot about transport modes all over the world. Fortunately, it is very enriching and hopefully I will be able to share some of the experiences and some input back in our situation in The Philippines.

Atty. Martin B. Delgra III, Chairman of The Philippines Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board

It has been a really inspiring session these couple of days. Particularly, because you hear voices from different sectors, whether it is government or the private sector […] and every individual has a role to play.

Marcela Guerrero Casas, Open Streets Cape Town South Africa

I will keep the connection with people that I have been connecting with during this event […] and communicate with some of the staff in our country to broadcast new ideas.

Tang Wei, China Highway and Transportation Society and Shared Mobility Branch

The logic behind our Transport and Climate Change Week is simple: we bring together experts and decision-makers from all around the world to facilitate knowledge sharing and networking through peer-to-peer exchange and specialized workshops. We not only build capacities, but establish meaningful relations, which lie at the foundation of development cooperation.

Credit: GIZ
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