10 November 2017

COP23 Event Review – Low Carbon Transport: G20 on Track?

On November 8th in the German Pavilion within the Bonn Zone and framework of the COP 23, around 80 participants joined discussions targeting the critical question: What is the level of ambition regarding mitigation of G20 countries in the transport sector? The event celebrated the launch of the study, Towards Decarbonising Transport: Taking Stock of G20 Sectoral Ambition, jointly developed by GIZ and the Berlin-based think tank, Agora Verkehrswende.

Jochen Flasbarth, State Secretary of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, introduced participants to the event by highlighting the important role G20 countries and cooperation efforts play in achieving more sustainable transport.

Executive Director of Agora Verkehrswende, Christian Hochfeld, presented the key outcomes of the study by looking specifically at the transport indicators of G20 countries. He assessed what policies and measures are already taken on national levels and where there is room to do more. You may find the full presentation here. The main conclusion was that G20 countries are more ambitious in their sectoral plans and polices than they have outlined in NDCs submitted to the UNFCCC. However, there are still gaps in policies, such as fuel economy regulations for Heavy Duty Vehicles.

The panel discussion that followed examined how current practices influence NDC implementation. Panelists included:

  • Franz Drees-Gross Director, Transport and ICT Global Practice, World Bank
  • Rana Adib Research Coordinator, REN21
  • Holger Dalkmann Chair of Board, Partnership for Sustainable Low Carbon Transport
  • Vera Scholz Head of Division, Climate and Infrastructure, GIZ

The discussion continuously stressed the limited role transport is given within the energy sector and the need for its greater integration – specifically calling attention to freight, the biggest emitter within the subsector. Panelists reinforced the importance of international partnerships and the significance of including sustainability benefits associated with transport renovations within climate action conversations. Looking forward, panelists envisioned what is required to put future NDC revisions on track to reaching low carbon transport.

In case you missed the event, you may download the event agenda. You can also find the joint GIZ and Agora Verkehrswende study, Towards Decarbonising Transport: Taking Stock of G20 Sectoral Ambition, here, as well as its executive summary here.