Changing Transport Insights – a Webinar Series

Insights from the engine room of international cooperation on transport and climate change

In digestible 45-minute deep-dive sessions, GIZ’s international cooperation experts present their work on transport decarbonisation in diverse country contexts. They discuss what they did, what their project has achieved, what they learned in the process, and open the sessions for an inclusive Q&A. We’re proud to present our new webinar series: Changing Transport Insights.

1. Freight Modal Shift in Indonesia | Januar 20, 2023 @ 4 pm CET
Hosted by Friedel Sehlleier
Event recording: Changing Transport Insights Series 1: Freight modal shift in Indonesia – YouTube

3. Training e-mobility technicians with a gender perspective in Colombia | February 13, 2023 @ 1:30 pm CET
Hosted by Andrés Martínez, GIZ Colombia

Event Recording: Changing Transport Insights Series 2: Training for e-mobility technicians with a gender perspective

2. The story of China’s EV-uptake | March 9, 2023 @ 10:00am CET
Hosted by Xia Yun
Event recording: Changing Transport Insights Episode 3: The Story of China’s EV Uptake (

The series is specifically targeted at practitioners from the fields of development, transport and climate change and is open to anyone interested. Recordings will be uploaded on YouTube afterwards. 

Mark your calendars for an exciting series of success stories that contribute to making our lives more climate-friendly and sustainable. Let yourself be inspired and take part!  

Cargo Train Nairobi ⓒJames Ochweri, GIZ
10 Principles for Sustainable Urban Transport