Best Practice MRV

Analyzing air pollutant emissions on certain routes, evaluating the performance of new buses on demonstration corridors or monitoring the performance of alternative bus technologies – monitoring and reporting the impacts of projects is crucial for the success of every project. Therefore, this chapter focuses on examples of successful MRV projects in the Philippines and Mexico City as well as potential GHG emissions savings calculations from BRT in three Indonesian cities.

Evaluation Scheme for Jeepney Modernisation Demonstration Corridor – Philippines

As an important early step in the delivery of the planned Jeepney Sector Modernisation Programme, the Department of Transport (DOTr) in the Philippines proposed to showcase the new form of operation and new jeepney vehicle technologies on a pilot jeepney route. This Jeepney Demonstration Corridor allowed the demonstration of the concept to the public and also to the transport sector.
This report considers the defining of an appropriate framework within which to monitor and evaluate the performance of the demonstration corridor. The evaluation is intended to provide the evidence base upon which to provide policy makers and transport sector stakeholders with a robust set out outcomes of the project and clear evidence on the impact of the pilot scheme.

Name of the Document: Evaluation Scheme for Jeepney Modernisation Demonstration Corridor
Organisation: TRANSfer Project, GIZ, ITP
Author: Dr. Christian Mettke, Robin Kaenzig
Year: 2017
19 Pages | Language: English

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C40 Study on Air Pollution in Mexico City (in Spanish)

This study by the C40 Cities Finance Facility analyzes air pollutant emissions from the Eje 8 Sur corridor based on a traffic micro-simulation model. It includes information on the methodology and the simulation tool used to measure annual total emissions and the estimation of CO2 equivalents and presents results and possible solution strategies.

Name of the Document: Estudio de contaminación atmosférica
Organisation: C40 Cities Finance Facility (CFF)
Year: 2018
53 Pages | Language: Spanish

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Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Transport and Reduction Potentials of BRT in Indonesia

This report contains both the calculations of three Indonesian pilot cities GHG inventories as well as the applied data and methodology to calculate the potential GHG emissions savings from the implementation of Bus Rapid Transit systems in these cities. It serves as a pre-feasibility study for the implementation of BRT within the “Short-Term Expert Support on Sustainable Urban Transport Improvements in Indonesia” and was conducted by the Institut für Energie – und Umweltforschung Heidelberg (ifeu) on behalf of GIZ and the Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Indonesia. .

Name of the Document: Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Transport and Reduction Potentials of BRT in Bandung, Pekanbaru and Semarang
Authors: Christoph Heidt, Marie Jamet, Dominik Räder, Tim Weber
Year: 2019
52 Pages | Language: English

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Photo by Ina Carolino on Unsplash
10 Principles for Sustainable Urban Transport