30 June 1915

Alternative Financing Sources for Sustainable Transport

Public-Private-Partnerships and Institutional Investors

This paper was prepared for the Hong Kong Roundtable on Enhancing Private Sector Financing for Sustainable Transport.
It investigates the role of public-private-partnerships (PPPs) and institutional investors in low-carbon transport and explores potential drivers and challenges to raising funds for sustainable transport associated with these sources.

Topics: Private finance, Blended finance
Document Type: Background paper
Name of the Document:  Alternative Financing Sources for Sustainable Transport: Public-Private Partnerships and Institutional Investors
Authors: Cornie Huizenga, Karl Peet, Alice Yiu, and Marco Innao
Organisation: SLOCAT, KAF (Konrad-Adenauer Foundation)
Year: 2015
Number of Pages: 27
Language: English

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